De esta manera celebramos un dia mas de lucha contra el cancer unidos a Lance Armstrong mediante la fundacion que el creo al saberse con cancer LIVESTRONG a ayudado a 28 millones de supervivientes, espero que con este evento hayamos creado conciencia de lo que es esta enfermedad y asi poder ayudar a quien sepamos que la padesca.
Gracias a todos los participantes: Renan, Renan hijo, Felino, Panchito, Guti, Aguayo, Alberto Vazquez "Paisano", Juliio Dzul, Amado, Jorgito, Bustillos, Fernando Sabido "Chuky", Quiñones, Tony Baas, Manuel Osorio "Valerio".... y todos los demas asistentes
De igual manera agradesco la proteccion prestada por nuestras autoridades SSP, Federal de caminos

En un recorrido de 68km que fue en la carretara Merida-Progreso llegando al precioso puerto y dando vuelta rumbo a Chicxulub retornando en la glorieta y regresando por la misma via, tomando como meta a la altura de la Universidad del Valle de Mexico; estos son los ganadores:
1er. Jorge Bustillos
2do. Raul Aguayo
3er. Julio Dzul
1er. Francisco Miramontes
2do. Manuel Osorio
3er. Amado Hernandez
2 comentarios:
sábado 2 de octubre de 2010RV:
What today means to me
From: Lance Armstrong
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 07:55:59 -0700
To: Fernando Carrillo Arguelles
ReplyTo: noreply@livestrong.org
Subject: What today means to me
Dear Fernando,
Thirteen years ago today, I was diagnosed with cancer. Every year since then, October 2 has served as a reminder to me that even though cancer left my body, it will always be a part of my life.
And thanks to the commitment of LIVESTRONG supporters like you, what was a personal anniversary is now a day that the entire community can rally around. It's a day when we come together and wear yellow, attend events and renew our commitment to fight cancer for as long as it takes—and to do our part to raise awareness of the 28 million people fighting cancer worldwide.
LIVESTRONG Day is a declaration that we won't quit and we won't retreat. That's why events today will have a real impact by making our voice even louder:
With each passing year, it becomes clearer that one day we'll reach our goal of a world without cancer.
So many survivors are standing tall right now. So many friends, family members, and supporters are providing the strength and courage it takes to fight this disease.
The world needs to hear that defeating cancer is our highest priority. I appreciate all that you're doing today to make that global statement loud and clear.
Lance Armstrong
P.S. Watch this powerful video LIVESTRONG put together showing what this day means—and carry this message with you today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL8mCjS0Noc
Dear Lance,
All week on the blog I was commenting on the importance that has represented this day for you and for the already 28 million people today we held the race on behalf of Livestrong, there was good participation and went well the event with the Interlingua help and create awareness of what cancer is.
The receiving mail for your own part makes me feel good and motivated by their work knowing that messages and what aca did you came and those aware of it.
Thanks Lance and we will follow-up on Livestrong, taking into account that both I and the Club Carrillo cycling share your goal in the fight against cancer
Best regards
Fernando Carrillo Arguelles
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